Pollution control technology (pollution control technology for stationary sources)  

Learning Outcomes After succesfully completing this course, he students will be able to: - Recognise the main pollutants and their characteristics - Understand pollution control technologies for a given industrial installations - Sselect appropriate pollution control device - Calculate sizes of pollution control devices - Estomate the cost of each pollution control solution General Competences Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies Make decisions Work autonomously Work in teams Design and manage projects Respect natural environment Course Content (Syllabus) IIntroduction Introduction, main pollutant categories, sources, impacts, formation of primary and secondary particles, pollution control and techniques. Particle dynamics Particle dynamics, sizes, equivalent diameter stokes, aerodynamic, mobility. Motion in a fluid under different Kn numbers, particle drag, Cunningham correction, motion under a force field (gravitational, electrostatic), terminal velocity. Statistical size distributions, normal, log-normal, bimodal, mean value, median value, standard deviation, variation, calculations with field data. First semester project. Particle emission control Emission control technologies: inertial collectors, centrifugal separators, electrostatic precipitators, filters, water scrubbers. Operation principles, types, industrial applications, sizes. Efficiency calculations, size and pressured drop of cyclones, bag filters and electrostatic precipitators. Calculating size and pressure drop of cyclones, bag filters, electrostatic precipitators. Impact of particle chemistry on efficiency. Second semester project. Gaseous pollutants emission control Absorption: Thermodynamics, Henry’s law, Raoult’s law, mass transfer rate. Absorption columns, types, technologies, characteristics, bed materials, absorbents and absorbates. Calculation of column height based on number of transfer units, minimum diameter for flooding, pressure drop. Adsorption: Thermodynamics, Langmuire isotherms, rate of adsorption/desorption. Adsorbers, fixed bed, fluidized bed systems, adsorbent and adsorbates, adsorbing zones, calculation of size and pressure drop. NOX emission control: combustion control, exhaust gas recirculation, catalytic converters, light-off temperature, SCR technology. Third semester project.
Pollution control technology (pollution control technology for stationary sources)

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